Saturday, October 29, 2011

Welcome to Lesotho

I have been in Lesotho for two weeks and it feels like I have been here forever!

I left America with 23 education volunteers. Most of them are science and math teachers like myself but the group also has english and resource teachers. After over 15 hours of flying I finally saw my home for the next two years. I wish I could describe what I saw out of my window as the plane flew over Lesotho other than to say that I have never seen anything like it. The rolling hills and natural beauty of the country was apparent from the first moment.

We landed in a very small airport and were greeted by the local Peace Corps staff and a few volunteers. We soon boarded a car to take us to our host village. Mine is the village Berea in the district of Berea. We were greeted by the village women who sang and hugged us to welcome us to their village. The chief's mother then spoke telling the village people that we were now part of the village and everyone must play their part to keep us safe. We were then introduced to our host families. My host mother's name is 'Me Manapo and my host father is Ntate Motawane. I also have a host brother who is a herd boy. My host mother gave me the name Neo which means "gift."

In 12 hours I had to adjust to my new way of life from using an outhouse, lighting a lamp for light in the dark, taking a bucket bath, and using a bucket as a toilet in the night. While these changes seemed intimidating when I was reading about them in the U.S. I was surprised how easily I adjusted to this new life style. I love the simplicity of life and having a beautiful view where ever I go. I wish I could share the pictures I've taken but you will just have to wait until December when I will be able to get internet on my computer. And hopefully I'll be able to update this blog before then.


1 comment:

  1. Be safe and have an incredible trip! You are doing incredible work, Aparna!
