Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Birthday King Letsie III

 On July 17th 2012 King Letsie III turned 49 years old.  Every year a different district hosts the king's birthday celebration and this year it was in Mohale's Hoek.  I wanted to share a few pictures I took of the celebration.  To be honest the celebration was not mind blowing but we still had a good time.

When we got there we saw these colorful streams of gas in the air.  As they came closer to the ground we saw that at the end of each one was a parachutist.

 Most of them landed in the middle of the crowd where the performances were being held but one was a little off on his aim and landed behind a mountain (I hope he made it home safe).

A few of us decided to wear our seshoeshoes though a lot of people there were just wearing casual clothes. On the left is Nancy, and on the right is Janelle (and if you can't figure out which one I am I would suggest using process of elimination).  There was a special seshoeshoe fabric and basotho blanket created for the event.  The blanket had a picture of a dog on it since that is the name of the Mohale's Hoek soccer team (unfortunately I don't have a picture of it).

A few helicopters flew by with Lesotho flags hanging from them.

After the celebration (or rather when we started getting hungry and bored) we went to the local hotel for food.  The hotel is the best place to get more "Western" styled food.  The menu includes sandwiches, burgers (they have an amazing veggie burger), pizzas (the pizzas here have no tomato sauce), and other dishes.  This is a picture with one of my friends who works at the hotel.  Mohale's Hoek's seshoeshoe color is red so everyone in the hotel was wearing a red seshoeshoe.

We had left before they served food (which was free and a major attraction for many people to join the celebration).  Unfortunately the concept of trash cans is still a developing idea in Lesotho and most of the trash from lunch ended up on the ground.  The next morning I did see people cleaning up the area but it was still a sad site to see.

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