Saturday, July 13, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

Peace Corps Goal 2: To promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the people served.

It was a cold winters day.
On July 4th this year I decided to celebrate American Independence Day with my students by teaching them a little bit about America.  A few months before the event I contacted the embassy to get a video I could show my students.  I invited all my students to join me.

Watching the video on my laptop

On July 4th 2013 Lesotho (after many sunny days) was cloudy
and cold and, as I've said in previous posts, weather has a lot to do with how many students will come to school.  Plus it was the middle of winter break and the only students who were coming for winter classes were the Form Cs and Form Es.
To support me two of my PCV friends came to the event (and stayed after to properly celebrate the holiday) and the Public Affairs Officer from the U.S. Embassy in Maseru, Sue Harville.
About 30 students came to the event, mostly Form Cs and Es.  We watched a few clips from the embassy video.  To be honest the video wasn't that great but I tried to make it work.  The video was a compilations of advertisements for various cities, national parks, and universities.  So we watched a few clips on American Universities, talked about what it was like to be an American student, and watched a video on the diversity within America.
Everyone was happy with their certificates.
To thank the students for coming I created a certificate which I passed out at the end.
I can't say it was an amazing event but I've learned to take the small wins when I can.  While the videos were confusing I think my students were able to take something back.  And I had fun with my friends afterwards.

Happy July 4th!
Narin, myself, and Chelsea.

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