Monday, October 14, 2013

And Two Years Later...

Two years ago, on October 14th, 2011 I landed in a foreign country with 22 other strangers.  I had never been in such a tiny airport which felt crowded by the small group of us.  Soon after landing  I was rushed in to a car to drive me to my host village and to stay with a family that spoke about ten words of English.  I still remember my host mother lighting my paraffin lamp that first day, sitting with my host parents quietly as my host mother cooked my first meal in Lesotho and wondering that whole night what the hell I was doing here.
I'm happy to say things have changed since that first day.  I went back to visit my host mother about a year ago and we were able to converse and completely understand each other.  Things have changed so much that I could barely remember this date and had to ask a few volunteers and consulate a few calendars to be sure.
This anniversary is bitter sweet for I have about 7 weeks left as a volunteer.  I came here knowing I would be leaving one day but now that the date has come I'm having a hard time getting ready to leave.  Just as coming to this country seemed unreal, leaving it also seems unreal and life as anything other than a volunteer is daunting.  Yet life goes on and so I must leave Lesotho.
So happy 2 years to my fellow training group!  We've come a long way and I hope our adventures never stops.

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