Monday, December 2, 2013

Farewell Ausi Neo Mokote

On Thursday November 28th my school threw me a farewell party.  They invited the school board, some teachers from the primary school, the local elected official (who I hadn't met till that day) and the village chief (who didn't show up).
The event was very beautiful with speeches done by the board, my teachers, principal, host family, the politician, and lastly myself.  Tears were shed, songs were sung, and to finish it off they had prepared a vegetarian friendly lunch.

Here are a few pictures from the event:
The snack tray to snack on during the program

Salad, chakalaka, and custard

Food and drinks, and don't forget dessert

The staff room was rearranged to make it more festive

My host mother and I

My plate of food

A gift from my colleagues.  It's an outline of Africa with a woman grinding maize in to flour.

Everyone at the event signed their name on the back

A decorative plate (with a stand) of the founder of Lesotho, King Moshoeshoe I

Another decorative plate with King Moshoeshoe I, his descendant King Moshoeshoe II and his son and current king of Lesotho, King Letsie III 

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